Woodward-Waychoff Reunion 2002 Report
They came from all over, from North Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, D.C., California, Oregon and British Columbia. 45 family members came together August 2, 3, & 4 in Seattle, Washington. This was the first reunion on this scale in the Western U.S. as far as we know for our extended family, although the Coonrads have had some reunions in the area in recent years. Amazingly, by a complete coincidence, Woodward relatives in Western Pennsylvania were having their annual picnic gathering on August 3 -- we attempted to make a phone connection but the cell phones couldn't establish a link. Several family members did get to chat on the 4th for a bit. In addition, we set up a live audio link to fellow Swale researcher, Geoffrey Boon in Yorkshire, England, on Sunday (the 4th) and Geoff anwered questions and sent us a number of new photographs of areas in Yorkshire where our Swale relatives have lived.
The reunion got under way on Friday the 2nd with an informal desert at the David and Ann's house -- about 25 people showed up surprising everyone! With such an auspicious gathering, we all felt great about the next day and sure enough we packed the education building of a nearby church the by mid-morning. Everyone had a chance to introduce him or herself with memorable comments and words of wisdom from our elder statesmen and women, Uncle David, Aunt Marcia, and my father-in-law, Bob. It was one of the most moving experiences of my life.
There were wonderful displays of photos, letters, and memorabilia, a tasty lunch, and when everyone was present we took group pictures. I have added one to the photo album above (see picture number 8). Quite a few people, primarily the women, managed the care and feeding of everyone, none more than my dear wife, Ann. Thanks ladies for your loving efforts! To capture the spirit of the event one needs to picture the cutest kids and teenagers milling around, groups gathered here and there intently catching up with those one hasn't seen in 30 years or meeting with fascination for the first time, and lots of people bustling about with food or cleaning up.
Family clusters eventually went in different directions for the late afternoon and evening. Sunday morning a group attended church at University Presbyterian Church, and then joined a larger group for brunch at Mae's on Phinney Ridge. Finally about 20 gathered once again at David and Ann's in the afternoon for a wrap-up discussion and snacks in the sun. Yes, we ended up with pretty good weather all, and everyone seemed to have a great time. The general concensus was that we should do more gatherings in the future, primarily in the Pacific Northwest (where at least half of the family members live). I think the earliest we would venture to meet is 2004. Let me know if you would like to attend so I can start the next list! THANKS EVERYONE FOR COMING!! : ) -- David B.W. |